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  1. Request for Quotation – reference WRIP/2/G/002
  2. Specific Procurement Notice – Supply and Installation of Dam Safety Instrumentation with associated training
  3. Specific Procurement Notice – Rehabilitation of Janjari system (Location in Municipality of Konispol): Janjari canal and Janjari & Mursi dams and irrigation schemes Xarra-Bufi & Konispol
  4. Invitation to Quote
  5. Invitation to Quote
  6. Request for Quotation – Groundwater monitoring equipment, to support the action for identifying and formalizing groundwater user
  7. MEFWA/G/004c: Njoftim Rezultate Tenderi “Software per Qendren e Kadastres se Ujrave”/Notification Bid Results “Software for Water Cadastre Center”
  8. 12.12.2017 – “Rehabilitation of Murriz – Thana Irrigation scheme – Krutja (V1 & V2)” (ICB No: MAFCP/W/ICB/005).
  9. ANULLIM “FTESE PER OFERTE” MAFCP/W/ICB/005 “Rehabilitation of Murriz – Thana Irrigation scheme – Krutja (V1 & V2)”
  10. Software for Water Cadastre Center/17-04-03 – MEFWA/G/004c
  11. Contract Award Civil Works Lot 1: No.: MAFCP/W/ICB/004 “Rehabilitation of 5 irrigation schemes (located in Municipality of Lushnje, Divjaka, Roskovec and Devoll)”
  12. Njoftim Fituesi per Punimet Civile: “Rehabilitimi i 5 skemave të Ujitjes (vendndodhja në Bashkinë Lushnje, Divjakë, Roskovec dhe Devoll)”: Lot 1.
  13. Njoftim Fituesi per Punimet Civile: “Rehabilitimi i 5 skemave të Ujitjes (vendndodhja në Bashkinë Lushnje, Divjakë, Roskovec dhe Devoll)”: Lot 2
  14. Addendum & Bidding Documents of Civil WOrks for 5 I&D Schemes
  15. Njoftim për anullim tenderi
  16. Njoftim shpallje fituesi Hardware
  17. Contract Award Civil Works Lot 1: No.: MAFCP/W/ICB/004 “Rehabilitation of 5 irrigation schemes (located in Municipality of Lushnje, Divjaka, Roskovec and Devoll)
  18. MAFCP_W_ICB_004_Rehabilitation of 5 irrigation schemes (location in Municipality of Lushnje, Divjaka, Roskovec, Devoll)
  19. MEFWA/G/004a – Hardware
  20. MEFWA/G/004b- Software for Water Cadastre Center
  21. SHOPPING-WRIP/G/S/002 – Financial Software/Soft Financiar
  22. MAFCP/W/ICB/003 -Procurement of Rehabilitation of 11 dams(located in Kukës, Berat, Fier, Korca and Murriz Thana)
  23. SHOPPING- MAFCP/G/003 – Hydrological Equipment (DBs)/Paisje Hidrologjike MAFCP/G/004 – Office Furniture (DBs)/Paisje per Zyrat MAFCP/G/006_Motorcycles for DBs/Motorcikleta