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Contract Award Notice, Consulting Services “Mapping and evaluating I&D Infrastructure in agriculture-intensive municipalities in Albania”


Contract Award Notice, Goods “Purchase of the Tablets for the Water Masters in Municipalities”.


Contract Award Notice for Janjari System


Njoftim për dhënie kontrate për konsulencën Baseline Survey for the new I&D schemes and lessons learned from project implementation


Studimi i Fizibilitetit, Projektzbatimi, ESMP dhe Shërbimet Mbikëqyrëse për punimet e Zbatimit të një sistemi të ujitjes nën presion për një zonë pilot të Divjakës;


Rehabilitimi i skemave të ujitjes (në bashkitë Has, Kucove, Maliq & Lushnja): Tregtan 2, Tregtan 3, Slanice, Leminot, Murriz – Thana: dega e sipërme Lushnja & Murriz – Thana: dega 


Feasibility Study, Detailed Design & ESMPs and Supervisory Services for Implementation a pressurized system for a pilot area of Divjaka


Financial Software


On the establishment of institutional and regulatory platform for governance and functioning (IRP) of the National Water Resources Cadaster in Albania.


Njoftim per dhenie Kontrata Motorcikleta MoARD – Motorcycles for DIUs at municipality level


Contracts Award Local Consultant to support MoARD on technical oversight for the CWs and Supervision contract for rehabilitation works of irrigation schemes (location in Municipality of Lushnja) and safeguards compliance


Contracts Award Local Consultant to support MoARD on technical oversight for the CWs and Supervision contract for rehabilitation works of irrigation schemes (location in Municipality of Has, Kuçove and Maliq) and safeguards compliance


Contract Award M&E


Contract Award Procurement Consultant


Contract Award Support MoARD V1 & V2


Njoftim për Dhënie Kontrate Ekspertet e Digave


Njoftim Dhenie Kontrata Supervizim 6-skemave web Min


Njoftim Dhenie Kontrata pajisje IT web Min


Njoftim Dhenie Kontrate Design & Supervizim Janjari web Min